Case Study

How To Build A Client Acquisition Powerhouse In The Next 30 Days, Consistently Booking At Least 80 Qualified Sales Calls Per Month Without Spending A Fortune On Paid Ads.

The "Done-For-You" Acquisition System Built On A Commission-Basis

We Build Powerful Client Acquisition Systems For You...

Implement The Exact Client Acquisition System That Has Booked Thousands of Sales Calls, Built Specifically For Your Business.

Your business needs a robust system you can trust that consistently booked QUALIFIED sales calls directly into your calendar, week after week.

Here's Exactly What We Build For You In The Next 30 Days:

Here's Exactly What We Build For You In The Next 30 Days:

Your Hyper-Profitable Outbound Process

We build a powerful, systemized Outbound Sales System, leveraging Appointment Setters. We systemize the process to drive high-quality leads directly into the calendar. This system has been refined to immediately have the capacity to book 80 sales calls per month, standalone.

We handle all your Copywriting and Messaging, infusing it with an understanding of your unique challenges and advantages as a mom entrepreneur. We also implement vital tracking mechanisms, creating a comprehensive playbook that easily integrates into your business. If you're a busy mom entrepreneur looking for a highly efficient, profit-driven Outbound Strategy that truly works for your lifestyle, your search ends here

Your Asset-Backed Sales Funnel

We build a powerful, asset-backed Video Sales Funnel to build authority in your industry. A VSL funnel is the most profitable way to educate a prospect and move them along the decision-making process before they get on a sales call. It's not just a smart move, but a game-changer. It boosts your ability to seal deals and attract those high-quality clients you've been dreaming of, right into your calendar.

The best part? We take care of the heavy lifting. Our team of creative gurus will design a sales funnel that sings in harmony with your brand. We'll put our pens to work and write all the Sales Copy, craft your Slide-Deck, whip up your video-script, and the cherry on top, we'll automate the entire Sales Funnel for you. So you can pour your energy into what matters most - serving your clients and nailing this work-life balance.

Scaling Process With Paid Ads

When your Outbound Sales System is driving strong revenue, it's time to pour gas on the fire with Paid Advertising. This is the secret to building incredible numbers and leveraging Advertising Platforms. The secret behind lucrative Paid Ad Campaigns is the campaign structure itself.

Don't worry about the technical side of things - that's our job. We'll cook up the Ad Copy for every stage of the Campaign, add our creative touch to the Ad itself, and pinpoint the most profitable targets for your business. We've got you covered with advanced tracking, too. This lets you base your decisions on solid numbers, not just a gut feeling - a sneaky little trick in paid ads.

So, ready to elevate your business and make the big bucks, all while having more time for what truly matters - your kids and family? Let's get started!

Your Powerful Follow-Up Process

Follow-up, it's a crucial element in your sales journey that can amplify your revenues. But let's face it - you don't have the time to do it all. That's where we come in. We build a foolproof follow-up system that touches base with prospects at every stage.

It's all covered from scheduling them towards a call to ushering a sale.

We craft SMS and Email Follow-ups, including appointment confirmations and compelling backend email sequences. This isn't busywork; it's a strategic move designed to skyrocket your Call Booking Rate.

The best part? This happens while you're juggling your other roles - as a mom, a wife, or simply as you. Because as a hardworking mom entrepreneur, every moment counts.

Automating Your Client Acquisition System

For your business to flourish without overstretching yourself, we create a personalized Team Management Procedure. This process ensures a seamless fit for commission-based setters and Sales Development Representatives right from the start.


The secret to a smoothly running system? Detailed Standard Operating Procedures. If your Lead Generation System lacks these, you'll struggle to step back from the business or build a motivated Sales Team. We resolve this issue by integrating these foolproof procedures into your business, promoting optimal productivity and letting you focus more on what you love most - being a mom entrepreneur.

From the Desk of

Jamella Waller

Founder of Mama Transform

Mom entrepreneurs, can you relate to this?

Trapped in an endless loop of trying to grow your business, but somehow always coming up short?

The culprit is often an inconsistent sales process. It's tricky to figure out which lead generation methods truly work.

With over 150 clients under my belt, I've seen this scenario time and time again...

You try out a couple of quick lead gen tactics, book a few calls and for a moment, everything seems great. But soon, the leads dry up and you're back to square one.

Does this sound familiar?

The truth is, it's not your fault.

You've seen it all before - coaching programs promising to show you the ropes of setting up successful systems.

But here's the catch: they never tackle the real issue. You, as a mom entrepreneur, simply don't have the TIME to learn and set up everything by yourself. From creating standard operating procedures, training appointment setters, finding sales development reps, and closers, building sales funnels, to producing high-converting content... it's a ton of work.

This is where we come in...

We are experts in lead generation systems.

We know how to construct a robust sales process.

And most importantly, we understand how to systemize this entire process so your calendar stays consistently full, month after month.

All this, while you focus on your business and family, with a system that runs on autopilot.

"We Take This Powerful Client Acquisition Process and

Build It Around Your Business, For You"

Mom entrepreneurs, you don't have to do this alone. You don't have to try and figure out what works and what doesn't. Acquiring clients?

That's our bread and butter.

Having worked with countless mom entrepreneurs like yourself, we know exactly what strategies are effective and which ones aren't.

We've got a robust system in place, ready to be seamlessly integrated into your business.

And we know the consistent, successful outcomes our Client Acquisition System delivers.

Sure, you could sign up for a coaching program, learn the ropes yourself, and go through a process of trial and error, fingers crossed, hoping that your system actually delivers results.

Or, you could save valuable time and energy by partnering with experts who have been there, done that, and know exactly how to structure a Client Acquisition System that works.

Let us help you skip the learning curve and get straight to growing your business.

But Don't Just Take My Word For It....

Execution Case Studies

Generated Over $120,000 In Under 60 Days From Launch

This Consulting Agency launched a brand new service and generated more than $120,000 in their first 60 days from launch.

We worked closely with them to build their sales process, from the Outbound Campaigns all the way to the sales process and closing. The first stage in the process was validating the offer with the Outbound System. Launching Outbound Campaigns, driving traffic through the Asset-Backed Video Sales Letter. As the VSL hit benchmark numbers and deals were closing, Paid Ads poured gas on the fire and built a pipeline with over $1M in opportunities.

This is a systemized approach with precise benchmarks to target. These benchmarks are produced from hundreds of Thousands of Dollars worth of traffic pushed through of our own money to ensure accuracy.

We take these benchmarks and build the system around your business, giving you accurate performance expectations.

We Personally Leverage The Exact Client Acquisition System We Build & Deploy Into Your Business.

We're in this together...

Like you, we juggle the responsibilities of running a business while managing our families. We know that attracting new clients can seem like just another item on your ever-growing to-do list. The strategies we use? They're designed specifically for mom entrepreneurs like us - those who need effective, efficient systems that deliver results without compromising on our other commitments.

This should instill a great sense of trust. Why? Because we're using these strategies ourselves. They're not just theories - they're tried and tested methods that we know deliver results.

We've used this exact process to fill our calendars, allowing us to spend more quality time with our kids and less time worrying about where the next client will come from. We're not just talking about theories; we're walking this mom entrepreneur journey right alongside you.

When you book a strategy session with us today, we'll let you in on how it all works. You'll get a sneak peek into our mom-friendly client acquisition system and learn how you too can create a balance between growing your business and nurturing your family.

"Book Qualified Appointments Into Your Calendar On Autopilot Consistently With A Battle-Tested System!"

The key to growing your business is consistent Client Acquisition. Leverage a battle-tested, proven system deployed into your business in only 30 days. We take all of the guesswork out and build the exact system that has booked over 5,000 sales calls, launching for your business.

The Automated Acquisition Matrix

Your Solid Foundation

The first step is to establish a steady stream of qualified sales calls filling your calendar. This solid foundation will become the bedrock of your business, consistently driving revenue and giving you full control.

Gas On The Fire

After establishing a solid foundation, we'll integrate the Automated Acquisition Matrix into your business. This system will automate the process of attracting and qualifying high-ticket prospects, freeing up your time and energy.

Laser Focused Targeting

With the system in place, we'll deploy a targeted marketing strategy designed to reach out to your ideal clients. This strategy ensures that your message resonates with the right audience, increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.

Initiate Backend Nurturing

Finally, we launch the Backend Nurture System to keep your prospects engaged. This step focuses on delivering valuable content to your leads, nurturing them until they're ready to book a call and invest in your high-ticket services.

The Results

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is This A "Done-For-You" Service?

Yes, we will actually set-up the Client Acquisition System for you, with all of the Assets required and write the copy for you. You will have full ownership and control of the system and we don't charge a licensing fee or a monthly retainer.

Do You Charge A Monthly Fee?

No, you will have full ownership of this Client Acquisition System which means we don't charge a monthly fee. We don't even take a cut of the profit the system generates for you, it's 100% yours.

Do I Need To Invest In Paid Ads?

Our systems start with an Outbound Client Acquisition Process which requires $0 spent on Paid Ads. This will drive your revenue. However, as you grow and scale, it's imperative to leverage the power of Paid Ads, where you can invest $1 and receive $5 back. Short answer, no you don't however you need to be open to it when you are driving revenue and ready to do so.

Is This A Course Or A Program?

The Automated Acquisition Matrix is a "Done-For-You" Set-Up. It also comes with an entire Standard Operating Procedure Resource Library, with Operating Manuals and Video Walkthroughs to help you run your system and maximize your results. We do build the system for you.

How Long Does It Take To Build?

The system takes 30 days to build from start to finish. There is no learning curve for you, that's why we can operate so quickly. In 30 days from now, you will have a robust, high-performing Client Acquisition System that you own 100%.

Do You Provide Help Refining Offers?

Yes, part of our process is ensuring your offer is actually viable and scalable. We have seen enough offers at this point to know exactly what works and doesn't work, so we can tweak your offer into a no-brainer quickly.

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